Hydraton+ is a family of permeable treatment or adsorptive products that are intended to remove contamination from pore water and/or reduce potential of contaminant breakthrough. These materials can be used in a reactive cap, for in-situ treatment, or in a range of other applications to control contaminant migration.
This is a bentonite-based sealing material designed for use in freshwater settings. It provides uniform delivery of powdered sodium bentonite directly through a water column, in saturated settings (e.g. below groundwater table), or where mechanical compaction is difficult or not possible. It will provide a low-permeability (hydraulic conductivity of 5x10-9 cm/sec) seal when hydrated. Resembling small stones, a major benefit of Hydraton is ease and speed of handling and installation.
When utilizing amendments in a ‘reactive’ or treatment layer within a sediment capping design, it is of critical importance to deliver the adsorptive or reactive materials in the most uniform manner – both in vertical and horizontal directions within the capping layer. The reasoning for this is simple, the contaminants moving from the sediment up through the capping layer must come in contact with these treatment materials in order to remove them from the pore water. Therefore, if the treatment material is not distributed as uniformly as possible there is a much greater likelihood that pollutants will ‘short-circuit’ or simply not be removed as they pass through the capping material. The graphic below is an attempt to illustrate the theory behind the concept of uniform distribution.
Hydraton®+ particles expand and self-compact when hydrated, with the degree of net vertical expansion determined largely by the formulation, application thickness and salinity of the hydrating water. When a mass of particles is hydrated, the mass transforms into a continuous and relatively plastic body of material. Once developed, the hydrated Hydraton®+ material can act as an effective physical, hydraulic, and chemical environmental barrier by its relatively cohesive and homogeneous character, low permeability to water, and chemically active (sorptive) nature.
Hydraton®+ can also provide substrate for wetland vegetation and habitat for macroinvertebrate organisms, particularly when additional organic material is provided, either as part of the product formulation or as a surficial dressing.
For many projects, Hydraton® use generally involves applying dry masses of the product through water and across the surface of contaminated sediments. In a matter of hours, a homogeneous and relatively cohesive, low-permeability cap, or barrier, is formed between contaminated sediments and the overlying water column and its inhabitants. Barrier thickness design and implementation will depend on a number of factors, including: type of formation, water depth and salinity, application thickness, number of lifts applied, and sediment characteristics.
Hydraton® can also be used as a hydraulic/chemical barrier to the movements of water- or sediment- borne contaminants into underlying groundwater resources, or to minimize leaching losses of water from reservoirs or wastewater discharge basins.
Integration With Other Remedial Approaches
Effective management of contaminated sediments may involve remedial capping exclusively or an integration of capping with other management technologies like dredging and/or monitored natural recovery. In situ capping may also be integrated with in situ sediment treatment technologies to affect mass reduction of encapsulated contaminants.
Hydraton® can be handled and installed using commonly available equipment and technologies, including conveyors, excavators, cranes with clamshell buckets, and even helicopters.
Specialized equipment developed for sediment capping can also be used to effectively install Hydraton® sediment caps. The most appropriate installation method(s) will depend on a variety of factors including: water or shoreline access, bank slope, surface water characteristics and ecology, size of the project area, and relative costs.
Hydraton® technology platform approaches to remediation can often result in lower overall project cost when considering site pre-cap dredging, material placement and tolerances, reduced mobilization costs, and reduced risk of remedy when compared to traditional dredge and ex-situ treatment.
Costs for implementing an Hydraton® capping remedy will vary widely depending on a number of project- and site-related factors that will collectively dictate the most appropriate Hydraton® formulation, cap design, and method for cap installation. Project costs will also depend on whether material is packaged and transported to the project site or whether it is manufactured at or near the site. Costs associated with project planning and management; preliminary laboratory studies (if required); cap design; permitting; construction QC; long-term performance and monitoring; and cap maintenance should also be considered.
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